Traditional Fun links


Of course, there are lots more great community-building things people can do together, such as gardening, neighborhood election discussion parties, block party games, other types of music, etc. These just happen to be the ones on this site! You will find links to some of the others below.

Our hope is that this site will give you some ideas for things to do in your own neighborhood, and also inspire interest in and appreciation for history and cultures around the world.

North Bay Links: local

Razzmatazz Folk Dance Club (Sonoma County)

Transition Sebastopol

Hubbub Club

Carol Friedman's blog--Petaluma and other classes

North Bay folk dancing--Folk Dance Federation

Bay Area Circle Dance

California Kolo Festival

Apple Tree Morris

Links at Large

Threshold Choirs--singing at bedsides

Voice of Roma

Transition Towns

Jacks playing link—we must keep this wonderful game alive and propagating! This link is just for first game, and only in the style of the player shown (all our local versions are different!). We plan to have more links.